Articles Of Chaotic Intentions
under construction
At the moment the inner workings of Chaos are under Construction. Facilities were built to house the many therapists, voltage regulators, and rubber chickens. Unfortunately they were confiscated by the FBI and are under investigation. I thought it was all legit but apparently the therapists were warped by my inner workings. They  were caught having sex with electrified rubber chickens, smoking pot and drinking alcohol in excess. They tried smoking the chickens and burned off their lips. Somehow midgets were involved too but the details are kinda sketchy there.

Internet chat users(an article I wrote for my English 104 class at Purdue)

     Everyone wants to feel like they belong, to have somewhere to go where everyone knows their name . Just like in the  once popular TV show Cheers. Some people don't have the time or opportunity to meet or make friends in the "real world". Schedules conflict, parents have responsibilities, people move away,  these are all things that bring people into what is known as the internet chat community.  The internet chat community is a language  community all it's own. It brings together people from all walks of life to participate in typing a multitude of  words on a keyboard. These words sometimes contain more meaning than any spoken language. The people there  have time to think about what is being written. In spoken language community they would  have a short time to answer and not as much thought may go into spoken words. I have interviewed other chat users and have information from internet magazine authors on the subject.       I started chatting on the internet over two years ago and continue to chat on the internet often. I found myself astounded at this new way of expressing myself. Since then I have come to realize there is more to talking in a chat room than what meets the eye.  The language is very different, the people are very different, and if you chat in any room for any length of time you may experience a feeling of belonging. The names of the chat users become faces in your mind since there are only words upon the screen. "Internet chat is a way to share experiences, thoughts, and information in a raw, spontaneous fashion, without the geographic limitations or emotional inhibitions of a physical conversation. It's like one big conference call minus the long-distance charges." [ Dina Gan , Yahoo Internet Life  magazine] 
      I first started  chatting in AOL chat rooms. I left AOL after the proverbial "Free Time" was up. I then drifted around the internet at Netnitco, my new internet provider, for a few months. I came upon a chat room designed for users of Netnitco  in November of 1996.       There  are good points and bad points to anything of value which include chat lines.  "The internet is full of as much garbage as good stuff. There is stuff said in the chat rooms  that would knock the socks off even the toughest people, yet at the same time there are a lot of "good people" out there too."   [Jesse Berst, Editorial Director, ZDNet AnchorDesk]       The chat rooms are full of people that vary to such degrees one never know what one will  come across. Some of the people are lonely and need a friend while others are just bored and looking for something to do. Some chat users may start chatting simply out of curiosity. Yet there are those out there that like to be a burden and say things that upset others.  There is a common bond in these people, whenever someone "walks" into an internet chat room.           The type of chat rooms can be diverse and are a good place to look at the language community.  "Chat rooms serve different purposes, which include developing an online community where people can feel relaxed and comfortable. Chat users can  be inspired or entertained, get help with a technical problem, talk about business, finance or other professional topics, or relax and play a game or two." [ Dina Gan , Yahoo Internet Life  magazine] Some of the topics in the chat rooms are interest or topic related. The types of topics can range greatly. Types of rooms can include various age groups, varying interests, and various kinds of  local or pretend locations.      I have noticed talking with people of an age group similar to mine makes conversation easier.    One location that I am familiar with is known to many as the "Netnitco Lounge".It's a chat room set up for anyone to use. Most of the users are local people who are using Netnitco or know about Netnitco. Inside you'll find a melting pot of people. I talk to people of  all age groups there. In the younger age group I usually notice overwhelming  attitudes. These attitudes can be cruel in some cases. Sexual and racial slurs are not uncommon. Women are constantly a target of these attacks. Yet other teens are seeking companionship to such an extent it seems annoying. It's not uncommon to hear "Is anyone gonna talk to me?" In other cases the teenage type gossip fills the computer screen driving the older chat users up a wall. Comments like " What school do you go to" to general wining and bickering are heard. Sometimes tempers flare and some of these kids threaten each other. The older chat users respond to this in different ways. Some tell the teens to take it to another room, some (like me) start poking fun of  stupid remarks made by younger chat users that have become annoying. The chat users who are in their 20's or older in age are a bit more even tempered, although the occasional strange comments may come from them as well.       Vivid imagination is a key element in this language community. The Netnitco Lounge itself  is  somewhere people can chat over free imaginary drinks, where there is a hot tub in the corner, pool tables abound, and bar fights are not uncommon. The language used here is something that would seem very strange in any place but a real bar. Often times regular chat  users will order an imaginary drink, new comers sometimes find this hard to imagine. The hot tub is always full of naked partiers. New comers aren't sure how they should take this.  " This chat room is my hallucination, and all in it. Annoying when the figments do what they will and ignore my  wishes."[huh?, internet chat user]       Since the varying conversation is written words, people are free of the barriers of face- to- face obligations of dialog. "We feel more comfortable  because no one really knows what you look  like...they are just talking to you because you are interesting, not because you have big boobs or because you are beautiful you know?" [Krystin, internet chat user] The words can flow freely without any real fear of retribution, knowing you can say or do anything that you want. Often this leads to fights, flirtations or friendships. The ability to open up and talk to others has allowed people see into the heart and soul of the people that they meet. This brings about a sharing of thoughts and ideas which result in sometimes close friendships.  Feelings and attitudes are expressed differently also. Chat users will type in all large letters to shout something or say things in abbreviations like "LOL" for laugh out loud or "brb" for be right back.      The names people use in the chat rooms are very different, and sometimes it gives light to their personality.   Some people use names like Death, Rowdy, Poolshark, Joker, huh?, Jester, or Chaos.   " I thought it was interesting to make up an identity and chat with people you didn't know. It was neat to make a mental picture of everyone in my mind." [Krystin, internet chat user]. Other ways of seeing other users personality can be seen in simple ways, like the way they say hello. Some people start out right away with a nice greeting. Others say things like "IS ANYONE HERE?" "Isn't anyone going to talk to me?!" "This room is boring." Other users may show their personality by the jokes they tell. Still other users make sure their opinions and beliefs are heard by all. 

      During this paper I have reinforced my belief that the internet chat language community that I am part of is a great way for people to communicate. Being unable to get out is no longer a reason why people cannot hang out with their friends. Language in this community is expressed very differently  than spoken words. Typing the words gives a greater propensity in some cases, to their meaning. The community allows people a chance to make friends and talk to other people with common interests. Everyone using the internet chat rooms can feel as if they have found somewhere that they belong. ****************************************************************************Jesse Berst   "Is the Net Immoral? Of Course It Is" ZDNet AnchorDesk , Online. , April 1st, 1998Dina Gan Yahoo, no title,  Internet Life, Online.,  July 16, 1997Krystin(Michele), internet chat user Apr. 6th, 1998huh?, internet chat user