Comments on  a few past parties

Vixens pictures
Zeplynn's Pic's

July 18th, 1998 - 1st annual chat picnic, everyone invited of all ages !  We had a great time ! I want to say thanks to all who came out.  It's nice meeting everyone and their families. A great time was had by all. Thanks To Zeplynn for her help organizing the food and Cinnamon organizing, and trying to get some events going, Thanks to Jester for the Keg. We did get into some major water battles. Bishop and Macbeth were a great cause of wetness to many. Cinnamon and brandy got drenched, poor ladies, hahaha. We had a few that had a lot to drink didn't we edgeman? haha We played a lot of horseshoes and volleyball and ate a ton of food. It was great stuff everyone!  Blackwater had some great corn on the cob too. There was lots of food left over. Thanks to all who helped chip in for the costs. I think we came out about even. We had a tug of war over the pool of shaving cream, we didn't have enough shave cream to fill a pool but the kids had fun in it when it was all over ! I want to thank netnitco employees for coming out, it was great having you there with us and hope you can do more with us in the future. To all who didn't show and could have... the laughs on you !

Bristol Renaissance Pics

Chat party August 15th, 1998
Wrap up - Only a few made it out to the LC Fair but we had a full party going at Gators. We partied till the place closed. Everyone was pretty well behaved including Cinnamon for once(can you believe it?) haha. Although I believe she was involved in the abduction of joker for a bit. Unicorn had a few too many but she had one hell of a time . A great time was had by all. There were new faces and old there. I want to thank everyone for making it out.

 The First Teen chat party was organized by Love4Ever for  Saturday Sept. 19th. It was at Holleywood Connection .  Located off Route 30 next to Walmart. There is lots to do here if you've never been here. There are $1 movies, an arcade, skating, a resturant, and a lazar tag area
( Very Cool!). It's a huge place to hang out. Meet in front of the arcade. If there are any questions

Love4Ever can be contacted at or through ICQ. Her # is 18104308.

Sept 26th  Gators  What can I say.....It was a great time had by all. Unfortunately Jester couldn't make it due to a painful groin muscle (just kidding Jest). The band that played (Wizard of Oz) were friends of Jester's and asked us to contact him at : (HAHA).The was no Wedding, the groom Pop-tart didn't show. LOL. All told there were about 40 of us there. Most of us didn't get too lit, Unicorn wowed us all with her ability to stay somewhat sober, sheading her new found title of "Otis". The title was passed on this week to someone else(not sure if I should say, don't want her to get into trouble). But if you were there, you know.. haha. We had a few new friends show up. It was great meeting them. Of course Cinnamon always manages to get into trouble. This month it was  a sickening display of sobriety. (LMAO) Next month she swears she will be back in true form so look out ! Of course Chaos was in the midst of trouble no matter where he was.

Turkey  had a bonfire. October 9th. It was a big success. We all had a great time and a few of us got nice and toasty. The Highly Acclaimed "Otis" award goes to Lucy this one for her dynamic display of  putting the alcohol away, LOL. It was a bit nipplely outside but we survived by nearly setting the woods ablaze. There were little goblins there who somewhat kindly reminded us NOT to throw our cans in the fire.  Hope everyone got to see the dynamic duo Vixen and tekla do stunts on the trampoline.  And who could do without  the tasty treats set out by Turkey. A special Thanks to Turkey for doing this, it is quite a job hosting 40 or more obnoxious internet chatters. haha. There were a few new friends and old friends there. It was good to see everyone. For those who didn't make it, we missed ya. He's to you. Hope to see everyone at the NEXT one. After all it is Halloween ! And that my friends, is a VERY scary creepy night. Who knows what might happen !( Cackling laughter)
Parents, take the kids out, get them home and put them to bed, get a sitter and go !

 A letter from Gators.Hey, You probably have no idea who I am!  My name is Wade, I am one of the owners of Gator's Lounge, a friend of (names changed here by Chaos to protect the guilty, LOL) Jester. Glad to see you guys are coming back for another night of partying!! I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you having your parties at our bar...we have a great band lined up for the 26th.  Hope you guys all have a good time. Halloween....if you guys are interested, we are having a costume party with prizes and an excellent band (Blackjack). Hope you guys decide you'd like to party at our place. Look forward to seeing you all on the 26th and thanks for the business and the on-line promotion. Later,Wade

  Past Party10-31-98 Just want to say I had  a great time! I estimate we had about 60 + people show up ! Nice turnout everyone !  Had some old friends join us we  haven't seen in a while..  and a few new faces

I want to  say thanks to everyone who came out in costume.And it was good to see you EVEN if you weren't dressed up.  I don't know how everyone else felt, but I had a good time dressing up !. I know it takes a lot of work and it sucks if ya don't win a few bucks for your trouble but I think everyone who dressed up did an excellent job !  Those who didn't dress up better start working on next year ! (WEG)   A number of the ladies looked mighty fine in their outfits ! ( *wink* you all know who you are)

I'm am glad Jester came to the party.. He was in a lot of pain but that didn't let it keep him away from us ! Poor Sinnamon got stuck working most of the time there so she didn't get a chance to cause her usual trouble ! Maybe next time Sin!

The costume contest was won by  to people dressed as old aged flashers and some guy who dressed like a South park kid.  While having our group sex... I mean photo taken.. ( and boy we are going to need a panoramic camera soon)..we got mooned by a couple bold chatters (we really didn't need to see that guys!, haha You never have a rotten tomato when you need one !)

THE  otis crown  this time is passed  to Bobbie who managed to stagger out of the bar heavily intoxicated( although she had a ride) it's reported she got to a whopping .30 BAC( calculated through my DUI program). She had a rough 24 hours after that, but she deserves our gratitude for being the Fine American "Otis", hehe  although Unicorn was quoted as as saying  " I'M DRUNK ENOUGH......!!!"   (Luv ya too Uni ! ) haha.  she didn't manage to convince us of her level of liquor though. Sorry Uni, I know you wanted that crown ! Who will wear the much highly acclaimed Otis Award next ??

I would like to take this moment to say I don't approve of drunk drivers. If you have had too much to drink, just ask someone for a ride. Believe it or not there are a number of us that don't get get hammered at the party.

I actually think there were a few of us that left feeling mighty good but managed to suppress any  drunken outbrusts.(hehe)  I know my wife found me out sleeping in the living room about 6AM  with a bucket next to me( felt a little queasy before I passed out about 3:30 Am). I was out of it and she asked me what the bucket was for. I told her in a sharp tone" What's wrong with you? Don't you know everyone who wears a custom carries a bucket". OK so I was asleep at the time, so what?? haha My kids used pumpkin buckets this halloween. Who knows what I was thinking ...

I want to thank BJ Gators and Wade for having us out, they did an excellent job with the food.. Loved the drinks and the band was excellent.  Thanks to Black Jack for a Great Job as usual ! Luv the music guys !

Zeplynn's  halloween pics !
KJ's Halloween Pics
Tweety's Halloween Pics

P November 14th Stardust bowling Alley. Had a great time ! It was nice meeting some of the younger people like Love4Ever. Had a chance to hear Gmans band and catch up on stuff with everyone ! Think we have about 50 people show up for this total. Some of us bowled. a few of us got drunk and everyone had a great time. Especially Hip who drank a bunch of Rumplemens and fell over ! haha. I hear he has been nominated for the OTIS award. ( Unicorn, Bobbie, and Luci breathe a sign of relief)Gmans band really Rocked ! Nice Job Gman !From what I hear there was a  cafeteria Nazi at the bowling alley. People were told. "you must be eating if you are sitting here or else !"
Rocky Horror was another experience.. for those who didn't go... you have no idea what you missed !They have changed it a lot in 10 years. We had a live performance done by a group of Rocky Horror buffs. It started with a Live strip show (Hip reminded me during this to put my EYEBALLS back into my skull) followed by an introduction of sorts to the cast. Soon after the VIRGINS we brought forward to be slightly embarrassed and humiliated. I thought for sure Macbeth was gonna run out screaming ! hahaThe movie was a bad as ever. The Lines used with it changed slightly and it was starting to come back for me. We got to throw food. I got in a fight with Luci over Arms water sprayer. We all got dragged to the Isle to "time warp". It was a great time. OK the end of the movie REALLY sucks but get over it ! LOL. 18 of us went to the movie 9 of us were left after the movie was over. We hit Dennys about 3 am and somehow the teens we had with us turned into little gremlins and set the kitchen on fire. Well by  3:45 I was ready to call it a night and  I bid the others a good night as they left for White Castle.   Wheew ! What a night ...

The Christmas Party December 12th at BG Gators. We did a great gift exchange and danced the night away. The Band UGUYZ played did an excellent job ! Russell had us dancing to disco flashbacks off the jukebox in between band sets(as usual), We had a TON of food . Lots to Drink.... some of us more than others ! hahaha Jester turned out to be Otis of the night. My best buddy staggered his way through the bar threatening  any challengers with his sharp tounge.  It was at the peak of the evening and as usual , we had to hide the animals from Jester, LOL.

The evening was a huge success ! Thanks to BG Gators for an excellent night ! They did a great job for us ! I cannot say enough about this great bar or the people that work there. They are the best and have great prices on the drinks too ! Thanks to Wade and Sinnamon especially ! Gators sure know how to treat the customers right... now if only some INTERNET providers would do the same...(keep dreaming right?)

January party was  January 23rd Gman's band played Gators. What an excellent time ! We had about 50 drunken revelers staggering about. The Otis competition was in full swing. The drinks were flowing. Apple-puker shots were only a buck !
Gmans band (RX Rocks)ROCKED THE HOUSE. Great job guys ! (raises a beer). They played a lot of great hits and Gman when out with an AWESOME solo on the guitaur. Blackwater even got up and sang a few.
We got to meet a few new friends and a few old friends stopped by. The Otis award could be contested. But trouble herself (Sinnamon) stole that show. The ice down the pants definately helped her cause. Of course I got in my shots too(WEG). So congrats to Sin who tells us she will be present at the next one to pass the title on. Serenity was feeling pretty good herself and by all rights could have also taken the crown. Here's to both of our contestants for a good show ! Ladies you where all in awesome form !
Thanks to BG Gators again. You guys did a terrific job ! Thanks  for the shots Wade!!!

Jester's birthday party- Don't forget to wish this oldster a happy 40th on March 10th. We celebrated it on March 6th at Gators showering the old fart with gifts of  old age. See Zeplynns page for pics.

 Feb 20th.We went roller skating first at Rway. about 30 people had the nerve to show up. Turkey stole the show as he dazzled us with his feasts( his roller skating wasn't half bad either). There were many good skaters there as there were bad. I was probably the worst. If you could rate me on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst I was like a .001 ! I thank the DIE HARDS who came out and am glad I could see some of our younger friends !As for the bar  the 30  or so of us that came had a great time. BlackJack played( great job by them) and we had a wild time. Of course Sinnamin was too tired to come and share the otis with us. Zeplynn and Serenity both were flying hi. Zeplynn admitted her affiliation with the Otis award and conceded to it. Serenity was pretty well gone and might well have given Zep a run for her money if she hadn't had to drive. Thanks to Gators for a great  time and also for the pornos on the big screen TV. It was quiet the amazing thing to have 100 guys all drooling at the same time !
I love you all and thanks for coming out ! Those who didn't show up ..... you better sure as HELL be there next time .... This is Chaos saying party on Dudes !!
BlackJacks Website 

 March 20th. BG Gators. It can be said we partied till the cows came home ! In fact we had to restrain Jester as the cows  were trying to get into the bar. The man loves livestock ! haha. Gotta hand it to him ! Well... as usual, a great time was had by all.  We drank, and danced the night away. Mucho alcohol was consumed !  We had a lot of new faces there  to welcome aboard.  We forgot to sacrifice the newbies to the Vulcaneo God but..... maybe next time! Congratulations Vixen on your griping that OTIS crown and wearing it with pride. Her shining moments were as she told me she would stand on the pool table to prove her Otis-worthyness if I bought her a beer. Of course AFTER buying her a beer she told me it had to be a budwiser ! geez ! Well she finally climbed atop the pool table and accepted the crown with glee. A new friend ,Betty Boop, takes runner up for OTIS as she displayed a degree of wildness everyone can appreciate. Betty also wore a sweater into the bar and was sweating her boobies off so I was told ! There were no Pornos on TV Saturday( I really miss those) but we did have a Band named Trauma with a lead singer who looked like a Jim Morrison wanna be with his shirt off.  The band sounded good but the lead singer  needs a little work. His showmanship was good though. I even got to sing a few lines of a song with him over the mic" When I woke up this morning I got myself a beer ....". We disgusted doing a few different things coming up. Possibly a bowling party. I think some of the die hards went out for breakfast after the party . We missed those of you who didn't show. Some of you were detained doing other things but  I am personally calling out Melanie, Lorrie, edgeman, Cloud9, Kris58, and dance as wussing out of partying for some time now. If I don't see you guys soon I'll be convinced you have lost your party ways and are resigned to a life of clean living ! You will soon become consumed in your serious attitudes
towards life and be sucked into the bottomless pit of mediocrity. You only hope is to learn how to have a good time. Thank you BG Gators and everyone that came out ! I love you all !


This party was an unofficial last minute party at Turkeys pad. Thanks Turkey for having us out ! It was a rocking party on his back patio. We were supposed to have a bonfire but when the fire got going everyone was having a ball just talking and drinking on the patio. I passed around a bottle of snakebite but didn't have too many takers... hmmmm.  I collected for the picnic (July 24th Rogers Lakewood Park, Valpo) from almost everyone there. If I didn't see you I need a few bucks from everyone to pay for the shelter, game prizes, and maybe some of the keg. MAKE SURE YOU SEE ME if you haven't contributed. Thanks to all who did ! We are off to a great start!
One of the star attractions of the night was our one and only Betty Boop.  She displayed feats of OTIS-ism such as cursing, staggering, and carrying on about ripping Mad Dogs dink off. It must be said that she did a shot with me of Snakebite but she later said she would rather do unmentionable things than drink another(LOL).  Betty also threatened JohnneyQ a few times as he gave her a hard time about comments she made at the alst party(tsk tsk ! ) Serenity managed to spill a bottle of alcohol on Brandi christening her into a bingeful night. Brandi got good and liquored up making a contribution to the porcelain GOD. Luci played a mean game of basketball vs. a number of the guys( Nice Job Luci !). It seems spring has finally spring as many wild women, and a few guys  jumped atop the trampoline. Windsurfer started a night of bottle thumping  causing many beers to "rise" to the occasion! haha(ok I'm sorry that was bad !lol) It was great to see Zeplynn back safe and sound from her heroing trip to Arizona. I thought for sure  to kooks out there might not let her come home !  Zep your display of sobriety was indeed sickening (hehe). It was great meeting new friends and seeing
faces I haven't seen in many Moons( Outrageous and Alison).

A past party was April 17th , 1999 at BG Gators. We had a huge turnout. The band was rocking and the drinks were flowin. Many boys and girls had lots of drinkies(LMAO) Especially the Otis Twins(no not Olsen, although that would be amusing)Vixen and Serenity. Both got totally boomed out of their gourds. Both passed the chaos test of drunk-ocity. Neither one could walk in a straight line more than a foot without falling on there ass, hehe. Vixen passed out and had to be carried out to the car(really drunk !) Taz it was YOUR fault ! lol

We are doing well on contributions to the picnic for July 24th. Anyone who missed me throw in a few bucks next time. Zeplynn was a picture taking machine. That digital camera sure is a wonder! I think almost everyone who showed up deserves recognition of being the most awesome of partiers. Betty, you proved your worth with that shot of Yukon Jack, way to go ! Jester  we need to talk more about making this "babes of chat 2000" Calender. I have quite a few months reserved by some of the ladies, hehe.

I want to commend all those who came out for the first time and those who graced us with their presence after a long time(we missed you guys !)Melanie and Cloud9 are clear from the wussing out charges(but melanie does 15 minutes and no drinks really count???)Edgeman, Kris, Fastee, Lorrie, dance,and Clutch are among those on the Chaos list of wussy partiers. Time top buck up guys ! You've just been called on your ability to party ! If I don't see you guys soon I'll be convinced you have lost your party ways and are resigned to a life of clean living ! You will soon become consumed in your serious attitudes towards life and be sucked into the bottomless pit of mediocrity. Your only hope is to learn how to have a good time. AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MISSED..... I hope you have a good excuse !

 I thank BG Gators for having such a great place to party. Thanks Sinnamon and Wade. One word of advice... we need the pornos back on the TV !!! hehe

May 15th we  bowled at Stardust Lanes in Merrilville. It was a great time as usual. We had many people show up to bowl or just watch is make fools of oursleves. With the exception of Joker and Bobbie most of us really sucked at it ! haha I'm definately no exception to this as I got a whopping 94 and an 86 I think. There were a number of chatters that opted to whimp out of going even though they didn't have to bowl. You know who you are  ... haha
After bowling some of us(the dies hards) went over to BG Gators for a few drinks. That was fun too. There was a good blues band playing and Jester and Chaos put away some alcohol. Vixen mentioned she hoped she was in the running for Otis if the year. This award will be given at the picnic in July. Chaos and Jester were the last there at 2:30 in the morning. Closing the bar as we often do.
But you know I think everyone who made it out enjoyed themselves.  Thanks to everyone who made it out. It was great seeing everyone again. Don't miss the next one !

Sat June 12th - Well what can I say but thanks to everyone. I do really feel appreaciated. You guys are the best ! A speacial thanks goes out to Luci, KJ, Jester, BettyBoop and Zeplynn, who I'm sure weren't the only ones, but were espeacially responsible for the surprise thanks I  recieved. Thank you again to everyone !  It was like the final scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" as all of my internet  friends got togeather, Saturday night June 12th, to thank me for what in my opinion isn't all that much that I do. I really wasn't gonna give up on you guys. I was just a bit PO'ed after the Potato Creek incident. You know I love you all. Well from Betty Boop I recieved a bottle of Yukon Jack which I will definately put to good use(thanks Betty !) Thanks to the ones who put togeather the nice pictures in the frame of past parties, the cakes, the cards and of course the huge smiley face!  Thanks for the drinks everyone who bought me one.  I suppose I could have been considered the Otis. I felt pretty good when I left the bar and even better an hour before that! hehe As Bartels and James used to say " Thank you for your support" hehe. I'm sorry for being a moody Chaos after the last get togeather that blew up. Maybe we can figure out a better solution to these kinds of problems. Why don't we start a sign up sheet?  Someone who wants to get an outting going can start it, as long as they think there will be some interest. The sheet can be posted on the web  and passed around at the parties with a minimum number of signups needed to make the event happen. Say 15- 20 people. Let me know what you think. The party June 12th was a huge success. We partied hard as we always do and Blackjack Rocked the house( are they sounding even better or is it just me?) ! Gators did a great job as always with the drinks and the food ! Great Pizza guys ! In closing, what can I say again but thank you all, from the bottom of my heart( no tears now !) hehe Love ya all ! God bless ....
 Added ----
Opps hey I almost forgot ... and this is something I cannot forget to do!  I want to give a special thanks to Zeplynn, many people may not realize it but she is the one behind the scenes that helps me a lot. She is the voice of reason at times(and lord knows I need that !) and my sounding board for ideas. She has been here with me since the beginning and helped me pick up the reigns from where JM dumped us back more than 3 years ago(yes it's been that long !!!) She has been through the lean times with me and has helped me in many ways beyond human capacity at times.Thanks hun, don't know if I could have done it without ya ! Thank you to everyone who has been there for me. You're all the best !

The picnic was a great success, thanks to the 65 or so people that showed up during the day. We had a number of no shows. It was a little warm out BUT .... being in the shade, in the pavilion, with a light breeze blowing and being sprayed with a number of waterblasters ... it wasn't all that bad. As you can see by pictures on Zeps and KJ's pages no one was passing out. No one was having any heat problems other than being a bit sticky. So the ones that didn't at least show up for a couple hours and go .... you let me down.  The ones who came out, especially with a bunch of screaming kids and endured, you are the best.
Now about the picnic ... hard to say who actually took the water blaster crown ... but the Otis crown and award of the year went out to Vixen for her cunning display of drunken behaviour. Water blasting seemed to be very popular this year (and refreshing, hehe). Bishop, Poe, me, Unicorn, Luci, and ALL the kids were involved in it, not to mention all the others. It felt REAL good ! hehe We had lots of great food too ! Those were great cheesecakes, and that taco salad just couldn't be beat ! Watermelons, fruit salads, and pasta salads were also all great ! The corn was brought by L4Ever and was very delicious as it was grilled on the barbie.  The kids all had a great time playing in the water, mine were soaked to the bone most of the day. I had a large metal tub for squirt gun refills and they really took advantage of it. Luci it seems got about 1/4 of it dumped on her, hehe. The water pressure stunk so the kiddie pool never got over 6".  Some of us played some volleyball but it was kinda hot to do more than play a few games. The kids games (Organized by Unicorn) were great fun for the ones there. Most of em took home a few cool little things.  The adults that were there around 5,  and had contributed to the door prizes, took home anything from goofy glasses to, a nice cooler set, to a Michael Jackson album. I have a few little things left over I will bring with to the next chat party and give away as door prizes. It was fun talking to everyone and seeing everyone and getting wet. Thanks to all of you who came out ! Thanks for making this a success.  It was a blast guys !
Next year ! Same place and about the same time, in June  if I can get it.
