The Four Horsemen
By Lawrence C. Lumetta
     In the painting, each of the horses the Four Horsemen ride are colored differently to represent what they are.  The
     horses signify war (a red horse), hunger (a black horse), civil strife (a white horse), and death (a pale horse).


"From time to time it is necessary that pestilence, famine, and war prune the luxuriant
     growth of the human race"

     -- Aristotle 384-322 b.c

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

   1.And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts
     saying, Come and see.
   2.And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went
     forth conquering, and to conquer.
   3.And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
   4.And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the
     earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
   5.And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse;
     and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
   6.And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of
     barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
   7.And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
   8.And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power
     was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the
     beasts of the earth.

Book of Revelations, 6:1-8. 


The Horse of War and Death

He's a solid black, large, and very menacing horse. He belongs to Shadow_RAM. This is one of the Four Horses of the
Apocalypse. Which makes sense due to the fact that SR is one of the Four Horsemen. Now that's rather odd, his eyes are
solid red. They have no pupils. He is covered in armor the bloodiest shade of red you have ever seen. He has a side mounted
lance, and shield for the use of his master. This horse is the pure essence of Death and War. To touch him is to die! "Death
Deliverence for you for sure There is nothing you can do" -The Four Horsemen, Metallica "And there went out another horse
that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another:
and there was given unto him a great sword." -Revelations 6:4


The Four Horsemen

By the last breath the four winds blow
You'd better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knock at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you've got some company

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

You've been dying since the day you were born
You know it's all been planed
The quartet of deliverence rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for forgiveness now
For now you've got the fight of your life

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

Time.. taking its toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Famine.. its body it has all through
Withered in every place
Pestilence.. for what you've had to endure
And what you have put others through
Death.. deliverence for you is sure
Now there's nothing you can do

So gather round young warriors now
And saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demon-swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the justice bringing hammer down
Safely inside armour blood guts and sweat

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die


Death :
    Death is the least outwardly combative and murderous of the four Horsemen.  He is cold, quiet, confident and calculating.
He moves slowly and gracefully, which makes him seem all the more frightening.  He is also terrifying in his relentless resolve;
ever in motion, always moving toward some new terror or act of destruction.  All around him is carnage, with War, Famine and
Pestilence at his side or following in his footsteps (or he in theirs).
    It is important to note that Death can push, hit, kick, shove, or throw a creature out of his way or hurt him in some small way
to shut him up or torment him, but Death can only kill those who dare to attack him directly.  Ironically, it is the very presence
of Death, his appearance, stench, frightening and aggressive demeanor and the accompanying netherbeast or legion of dead
servants, that causes panic and conflict.
    Inevitably, people, young and old, will either flee screaming in terror or attack the threatening monster.  It's the poor fools
who attack Death to defend their loved one from the perceived threat who are the first to die, crushed in the hands of the
harbinger of doom.  Death will never attack anyone unless he is attacked first.  However, the foul demon entices acts of
aggression by appearing menacing.  Death enjoys these little games of nerves and wit and will follow characters, suddenly
appear out of the shadows, animate the dead, attach extra limbs to his body to look more frightening, desecrate the dead,
vandalize property, prowl around with malicious intent and make threatening moves.  Eventually the nerves and emotions of his
intended victims become so frayed that the people snap and attack.
    So powerful are the emanations of the death bringer, accented by his appearance, actions and the frightening stench of decay
that permeates the monster, that Death often needs only to stand menacingly in a doorway to send protective fathers, mothers,
children and guard animals rushing into his deadly embrace.  They rush forward not in acceptance of their fate, but to fight the
monster and chase it away.  Sadly, they would have lived, at least for the moment, if they did nothing more than cringe in the
shadows, hiding, weeping or praying.  Falling prey to the fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, or hatred can only lead to torture or
death when facing this monster.
    Even when in the company of one or two of the other Horsemen, Death will leave combat to his brothers and stand in the
middle of the carnage like a demonic general observing, with great satisfaction, his troops at work.  However, like any good
general, he will alert his troops to new targets and assist them in strategy and tactics.  He will also come to their aid.  In this
situation, Death can attack using all of the power at his disposal and may inflict great damage and physical harm, but he will not
slay a single living creature, unless they retaliate by attacking him.  Likewise, Death's legion of dead, nightmare zombies and
netherbeast only kill those who actually attack them or their master.  The zombies can also be sent away, but become mindless
killing machines until destroyed.  Once released from his control, the zombies can never be recalled by Death.
 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Durer)

    The monster known as Famine looks like a skeleton with a withered, malnourished body, pale complexion, swept back
ram's horns and a malicious expression.  He is sinister, cunning and treacherous, using sneaky tactics to hurt and injure others.
He is obsessed with the destruction of all life forms and delights in the suffering and destruction inflicted by his hand.  Unlike
most of the others, Famine frequently strikes quietly from the shadows or at a distance.  If he is careful, his control over the
weather and power to spoil food are often mistaken as natural disasters.  He also likes to instigate trouble by manipulating
others, such as destroying one village's food supply and the somehow letting them know that a neighboring village has plenty,
but won't share.  These kinds of tactics can lead to theft, vandalism and war which means more suffering and death.  Famine
loves these games.
    His favorite partner of the other three Horsemen is Pestilence.  Their powers complement each other perfectly and together
they can wrought incredible amounts of starvation, turmoil and slow death.


    Pestilence, like all of the Apocalypse demons, is obsessed with the destruction of all life forms, including the insects which he
commands.  The monster is clever and resourceful, using both subterfuge and the direct approach in his dealings with the
intelligent creatures.  He finds it especially gratifying to inflict suffering and death by disease, sickness, and starvation.
    From a distance, the demon resembles a robust, horned humanoid.  Upon closer inspection it looks like the body is covered
with insects.  In actuality, Pestilence is a ten foot tall, horned skeleton make of bone.  The apparent bulk of his entire body is
composed of tens of thousands of living insects and arachnids that he can unleash in great swarms.  It is the swarm of insects
that gives him the appearance of having great mass.  The types of bugs and arachnids that compose this monster's body include
biting flies, gnats, mosquitoes, ants, wasps, bees, a variety of beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, scorpions, and larvae.

  (Frank Franzetta : Deathdealer. Taken from the 1973 Molly Hatchet album cover).

    This Apocalypse demon is the most aggressive and combat oriented of the four.  War is an incredibly powerful and capable
warrior, strategist and tactician.  He also has the ability to evoke anger, hatred and lust for power or vengeance in others
through his words.  War can make the participants in a dispute see red and quickly turn to violence, agitating mobs to loot,
vandalize and murder.  This ability is as much a part of the demon's arsenal as any of his weapons or supernatural powers.
    War is a merciless and cold-blooded killer who thrives on combat and bloodletting.  The demon is not interested in fair play
or challenge, so he will fight dirty, cheat, lie and do anything to eliminate a foe.  Furthermore, the monster murders young and
old, male and female, the sick, sleeping and helpless, without hesitation or regret.
    In addition to being a weapons master, War can physically merge with weapons and war machines, making them a part of
his body and uses them with expert skill.  Of the four Apocalypse demons that must be destroyed, War will be the most deadly opponent.



Four Horsemen- shot


     3/4 oz Tequila , Jose Cuervo gold
     3/4 oz Jagermeister
     3/4 oz Rumpleminze
     3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum

Mixing instructions:
Pour contents in shaker over ice and shake well. Pour into glass. This is a big shooter so you have to use a small rocks glass.


Advanced Dungeons & Dragons :

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Regarding the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, I've created some stats for them, but I've yet play tested it with my group.
They are a pretty powerful lot, I mean, they can be defeated (with great skill and cunning) but not killed. The four are the sum
of part of Man's existence. So if you kill War or decapitate Death, what will happen? World peace?? Everlasting Life?? I think
not. Regardless, when the Four horsemen appear, the world is the sign of ending...they don't tag the Apocalypse at the end of
their name for nothing. After reading George Hirst's posting earlier, I tend to agree with the area effects of the horsemen (q.v)

Here are the stats I've created for the four horsemen; In addition to individual stats, each horsemen has the spell like abilities of
a 20th level druid and a 20th level mage. During the Apocalypse the horsemen never dismount, and the horses they ride are
counted as being one with the rider.


AC: -10 HP: 300 Class: Fighter Level: 30th Alignment: True Neutral (with Evil tendencies) THAC0: Miss only on a 1 #ATT:
3/1 DAM: 3d10+12 + Special MV: 36 (land and water) 72 (flying) MR: 85% XP: DM's Choice

The horseman WAR rides a black war steed bedecked in full plate barding of dull steel. The horseman himself wears full plate
armour and a great helm. All his body is covered in armour, and his eyes shine red from beneath the shadows of his helm.
WAR stands 10 feet tall and carries a massive two-handed sword. The sword beside doing mass damage, has the following
properties; Vorpal and Wounding capabilities. Those being hit by WAR's sword must make a saving throw or suffer the effect
of a Taunt spell. In addition to normal spells available, WAR can cause fear or a confusion spell to all with a 100 foot radius at
will. WAR in addition to having access to spheres available to druids can also access the sphere of War from TOM and


AC: -7 HP: 180 Class: Cleric Level: 30th Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (with Evil Tendencies) THAC0: 1 #ATT: 2/1 DAM:
3d8+10 + Special MV: 36 (land and water) 72 (flying) MR: 90% XP: DM's choice

The horseman PESTILENCE appears as a dark hooded rider on a horse that is diseased with boils and sores. He appears
around 9 feet tall and wields a military fork. The parts of him that are visible; his hands and feet and some of his face are
marked with boils and sores and is pallid or red and inflamed. Anyone within 100 foot radius of PESTILENCE automatically
contracts the plague with no saving throw. The character thus not cured will die in 3 days. Only a wish spell or a cure disease
cast by a 15th level cleric of the god or goddess of healing can cure the character or by using the Quest spell Breath of Life in
TOM. At will PESTILENCE can call forth the Creeping Doom spell once a round.


AC: -5 HP: 160 Class: Thief Level: 32nd Alignment: True Neutral (with Evil tendencies) THAC0: 1 #ATT: 2/1 DAM: 3d6+10
+ Special MV: 36 (land and water) 72 (flying) MR: 90% XP: DM's choice

The horseman FAMINE appears a gaunt and thin man standing about 9 feet tall, his skin is pall and and clings tightly over his
frame. He looks like a starved man. His horse is the same. Anyone within a 100 foot radius of him must make a saving throw
each round or loose 1 point of Strength. When strength reaches 0, that character dies. FAMINE carries a spear that has the
properties of Abi-Hazid Horrid Wilting spell (TOM). ie, anyone struck must make a saving throw to suffer half of 32d8 points
of damage or have their bodily fluids evaporated.


AC: -9 HP: 250 Class: True Neutral Priest Level: 37th Alignment: True Neutral THAC0: Never miss #ATT: 1 DAM: Death
MV: 36 (land and water) 72 (flying) or see below MR: 100% XP: DM's choice

The horseman DEATH comes last after his comrades has passed through to collect the souls for their final journey. DEATH
appears either as a black robed skeleton wielding a scythe or a dark but beautiful angel with white wings. This depends on the
soul being collected. If the soul is good, the angel is seen, if the soul is evil, the dark reaper is seen. Death rides a skeletal horse,
and he stands about 9 feet tall. After the Apocalypse, a trail of souls can be seen following DEATH as he takes the souls to
their plane of judgement. Unless attacked DEATH does not attack anyone whose time is not yet up. When attacking, DEATH
does so with the scythe. The scythe automatically hits anyone and the result is instant death, unless of course the character is
wearing an amulet of life protection which will allow DEATH to do 3d12+10 points of damage, but the amulet is destroyed
then. When a character's time is up, nothing can stop DEATH. He can cast all the Power Word spells especially Power Word:
Kill once a round. When that character's time is up, DEATH cannot be outrun, he always appears next to the character no
matter where that character runs to.

Humor :

The Four Hitchhikers of the Apocalypse

by (Michael Gehm)
seen on

The Four Hitchhikers of the Apocalypse

  Before you stand the imposing figures of Politics, Munchies, Common
Cold, and Near-Death Experience--the lesser-known, and often tardy kin of
War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death, otherwise known as the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse. One can only suppose that the relative fame of the two
groups is related to the speed of their respective modes of

   Politics wears a navy-blue Brooks Brothers suit, is rail-thin,
photogenic as hell, and shoots you a smarmy smile.

   Munchies is wearing a badly-stained grey sweatsuit that barely contains
his hefty paunch. He is unshaven and is carrying a bag of Fritos and a
pint of premium ice-cream.

   Common-Cold is dressed in a threadbare, blue terrycloth bathrobe. The
pockets of the robe contain a multitude of used and unused facial tissues.
His eyes are bloodshot and puffy, his face is flushed, and his nose is

   Near-Death Experience wears a loose, flowing, almost gauze-like gown.
Around her neck is a quartz crystal pendant. Her face bears the most
serene expression you have ever seen. She seems uninterested in the world
around her.

FOUR TERRIBLE HORSEMEN  by Ray C. Stedman  -  A preaching on the Book section in Revelations which discusses them.
Books :
The First Horseman by John F. Case
Upon a Pale Horse by Piers Anthony
Good Omens by: Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett
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