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Greetings ! Thanks for Visiting my humble web page. It all started about 4 years ago for me. I bought a computer. Nothing exciting there. Now I plug along working to improve my befuddled mind( lacking brain cells from massive partying in my younger years).
For All those who request stats I'm 1900 years old, earth years. I'm a Nebulan Resident from the Patula Galaxy. I'm 116 foot tall in my Nebulan form. I attend Purdue Calumet partime taking Programming course and whatnot.
I work Full time for Best Kosher Foods. They make lots of Hotdogs and Polish Sausages as well as many other kinds of meat. We are part of Sara Lee. Try some of our product next time you are at Sams club. We make the Best Polish and hotdogs you can get. 100% Beef, no filler and only the best cuts of meat(you should see what the other guys put into a hotdog). I started here in the beginning of December and so far I'm really enjoying it. Everyday is something different.
I am part of a group of Chat folk in Northwest Indiana. But they aren't just "chat folk" they are good friends, the best. Some of us even get together to party (ut oh! more brain cells shot to blazes) about once a month. I dedicate my pages to these friends.
Lately we have been chatting at KJ's New Chat room and a few still chat at Netnitco chat. Just pick a name and any password. Hope to see you there ! I am also on a chat program called ICQ. It's really cool ! Check out the details at Just don't forward me any or those nasty rumors, chain letters, or spamming. Too many of those I I'll delete ya. My ICQ # is 1186657.
Ghostly Photos - among other things I am a "wanna be" ghost hunter..check out my pictures
Ghost page- looks at local places, stories, or other mysteries
The Four Horseman of the Apocolpyse- everything and anything on or about the four hoursemen you want to know
Ages Forgotten?? - Books and photos of ages long past
The Traveling Willbillies - Vacation time ??? Where do you want to go? Chaos's friends the Willbillies give you the lowdown on all those fancy places you wanted to visit but haven't had the chance to yet. Largely regional right now...
Lord Of the Chaos
Ramblings of madmen( need I say more? )
Chaotic Links - The Links in the Chain of Chaos and homepages of the Friends of Chaos
Weird Links - Strange and Unusual
Chat Links - The cool sites to chat at.
Articles of Chaotic Intentions - gives you an insight to the inner working of Chaos
The Chaos RIP Page -Their are a number of dearly missed friends that have disappeared. Seems they've become too preoccupied to talk to old friends or some other factor prevents them from saying hi.
Bristol Renassaince Pics and Link to sites ! A nearby midevil retreat
Sad But True - Article about the departure of Rock103.5
Thanks For Visiting my Site, please stop by frequently as I will be changing it often.
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to view this site since 12/11/97