About this year's Vacation Bible School
Discover the best destination of the summer— SonRise National Park!
Come to a land of invigorating power and beauty where there is nothing between you and God’s big sky! Kids will enjoy the thrills of daily treks where they can face extreme challenges and learn to depend on the promises of Jesus—promises each of us can cling to.
This summer, take your children to SonRise National Park and get them started on a life-changing journey that will last the rest of their lives. Children will know that no matter what extreme challenges may come their way in life, they will have the indescribable, all-powerful, unchangeable, unwavering Jesus to guide their way.
At SonRise National Park VBS, kids will discover the true treasure described in Philippians 4:19, “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

At SonRise National Park kids will...
Discover that they can go beyond what they think they know to discover what is essential and true! Play fun games! Sing great songs! Eat yummy snacks! Watch hilarious skits!

Session 1 - True Peace
In Session 1, kids will hear about Jesus and His friends in a boat on stormy seas, and how Jesus was able to calm the storm and give peace to His friends. Children will realize that no matter what problems they face, Jesus is loving and powerful and He will help them.

Session 2 - True Riches
In Session 2, kids will hear how Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people and realize that Jesus knows what kids need and will provide what’s best for them.

Session 3 - True Power
In Session 3, kids will hear about Jesus being tempted by Satan, and will discover that Jesus shows them how to depend on the power of God’s Word when they are tempted to sin.

Session 4 - True Love
In Session 4, kids will hear about Jesus the Good Shepherd. They will learn that Jesus loves each one of them so much that He died and rose again so that they could become members of God’s family.

Session 5 - True Hope
In Session 5, kids will learn that even when they can’t see Him, Jesus is with them just like He was with Paul and Silas in prison. Kids can be fearless about the future because Jesus is always with them and has a plan for them.

VBS Details
Bethel Christian Reformed Church
521 S. Halleck St.
Demotte, IN 46310
Monday, July 23 - Friday, July 27, 2012
6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Pre-school through 6th grade
Abolutely FREE!
Phone: 219-987-2005
Email: bethelcrc@netnitco.net